All About Meditation

What is Meditation

Meditation is often regarded as something which is boring and monotonous, practiced mostly by religious gurus. Meditation meaning includes various aspects and dimensions for different people at different places in the world. However, talking in simple terms meditation is just a mental exercise which includes various relaxation techniques which can help you calm your mind. There are various meditation types and meditation techniques which can be followed but all lead to only one attainment - peace of mind. In spiritual terms, it can help you get closer to yourself and realise your inner truth. 

Meditation is a journey from the complexity of mind to the simplicity of heart. How meditation helps can depend on person to person. Some people will do meditation to reduce stress, some will do meditation to increase focus while others will do meditation to calm the mind. Overall, it is a means of transforming your mind which can lead to various health benefits including reduced stress, better concentration and focus, better clarity and decision making in life.


Types of Meditation

1. Mindfulness meditation

Mindfulness meditation

Mindfulness meditation originates from Buddhist teachings and is the most popular meditation technique in the West.

Mindfulness meditation is the practice which lets the mind stay in the present, neither in the past nor in the future. Mindfulness helps you to be fully aware of your thoughts and emotions. While practising mindfulness, you simply observe and take notes of your thought process. This practice combines concentration with awareness. You may find it helpful to focus on an object or your breath while you observe any bodily sensations, thoughts, or feelings.

Mindfulness is more than just a meditation practice, it is a way of living to live stress free. 

2. Mantra meditation

Mantra meditation

Mantra meditation is prominent in many teachings, including Hindu and Buddhist traditions. This type of meditation uses a repetitive sound to clear the mind. It can be a word, phrase, or sound, such as the popular mantra for meditation - “Om.”

It doesn’t matter if your mantra is spoken loudly or quietly. After chanting the mantra for some time, you will be more alert and in tune with your environment. This allows you to experience deeper levels of awareness.

Some people enjoy mantra meditation because they find it easier to focus on a word than on their breath. This is also a good practice for people who don’t like silence and enjoy repetition.

3. Focused meditation

Focused meditation

Focused meditation it a very powerful technique for stress release. It involves focusing on any of the five senses. For example, you can focus on something internal, like your breath, or you can bring in external influences to help focus your attention. Try counting mala beads, listening to a gong, or staring at a candle flame.

This practice may be simple in theory, but it can be difficult for beginners to hold their focus for longer than a few minutes at first. If your mind does wander, it’s important to come back to the practice and refocus.

As the name suggests, this practice is ideal for anyone who requires additional focus in their life.

4. Movement meditation

Movement meditation


Movement Meditation is not your usual meditation where you sit still and focus on your breath. Instead, you are moving through various positions with a mindful and slow pace. It’s an active form of meditation where the movement guides you. Movement meditation is good for people who find peace in action and prefer to let their minds wander. 

5. Meditation music

Meditation music has a lot of benefits for stress management and overall health of you body and mind. There are various meditation songs which can be listened to practice meditation. Meditation with music calms the body, mind and soul. Meditation music can also lift your mood, slow your breathing, and create other stress-inducing changes. There are various meditation apps and sites which can be referred to practice this type of meditation like headspace, calm and youtube. 

For people who are new to meditation or have no experience at all, music meditation can feel simpler and more instantly relaxing than other forms of practice. With regular practice, this meditation can help you to better manage whatever stress comes.

Check out the blog Crazy Menopausal Asian for more meditation tips.

How meditation helps

The following are the meditation benefits if practiced regularly - 

  • Reduces stress
  • Improves sleep
  • Controls anxiety and depression
  • Increases focus and concentration
  • Promotes emotional well being
  • Improves self awareness 



My Favourite meditation quote is - "Quiet the mind and the soul will speak."

Meditation is one of the greatest habits to develop in your life. It can be practiced alone or in groups. It's a very easy practice which could be done regularly as it doesn't require any equipments. Also, meditation has benefits both for physical and mental health, it should be practiced regularly for ongoing results. Just remember, 20 minutes of meditation a day, keeps the depression away. 

Also, check out the blog - Blossom's Blog for more tips and tricks on self care. 


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